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Love to cuddle your pets but stressed with the pet faeces on your carpet? You’re not alone! If you have pets at your home, such issues are only inevitable. So, does it mean that you have to suffer from the unappealing stains and foul odour all the time? Not at all! In fact, these can draw severe health hazards like skin allergies, stomach troubles, and respiratory issues.

Treating the mess need not be a daunting task if you follow the right steps. Here are some proven methods recommended by the professional carpet cleaners in Purley. Give it a thorough read.

Effective Ways to Remove Pet Stains & Odour from Your Carpet

Before starting out to explore what to do for removing pet stains and odours, let’s first mention what not to do!

Most often, people try out DIY solutions like vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, etc. to remove the stains. These may seem to be handy and cost-effective solutions at first but the result is devastating! For instance, dishwashing baking soda can damage natural fibres. Hydrogen peroxide can permanently change the carpet’s colour or even burn the surface area. Overall, these products are harmful for natural fibres and ruin the carpet beyond imagination. Further, these don’t show any impact on removing the odour. So, you better stay away from applying these on your carpet.

For a more comprehensive, risk-free, and scientific solution, it’s better to engage a professional stain removal company. With their experience, expertise, and high-end products, the experts can deliver an excellent result that cannot be attained through DIY.

Okay, now, let’s quickly take a look at the effective solutions.

  • Store-Bought Stain Remover

You may consider purchasing a powerful stain remover for frequent spot treatments. Just make sure that the ingredients are not toxic for your pets. After blotting the fresh stain, apply the remover on the spot and rinse it thoroughly. Then dry the place.

Additional Tip – Before trying any of the products on your carpet, make sure to apply it on a small area to check whether it discolours the carpet or not. Every carpet is made of distinct materials and one-solution-fits-all is not the right approach once it comes to carpet cleaning. Also, don’t scrub the carpet too hard as it can affect the fibres. Instead, gently blot the area.

  • Engage the Professionals

Store-brought stain removers work well when the stain is fresh but when it soaks deep into the carpet fibre, it can be difficult to remove. Instead of trying your inefficient and inexperienced hands, it’s better to engage a professional treatment of carpet cleaning in Banstead.   


Other than executing spot treatments, make it a point to avail carpet cleaning in Sanderstead from the professional service providers on a regular basis. They will deep clean your carpet and keep the issues like foul smell, disgusting appearance, and severe health hazards at bay!

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