5 Pro Tips to Extend the Lifetime of Your Home Carpet

5 Pro Tips to Extend the Lifetime of Your Home Carpet

Have you purchased a new carpet? Of course, you want it to last for the longest time possible. Don’t you? Remember, buying an expensive carpet alone will not serve the purpose unless you are being equally attentive to its proper care and maintenance. Ask any carpet cleaner or manufacturer you want, the expert is going to tell you the same. While regular vacuuming is certainly important, your efforts have to go beyond that. After all, your objective here is not just to keep your carpet clean, but to extend its lifetime. In this blog, we discuss some tips that can help increase your carpet lifespan and even contribute to a healthier home environment. Want to know what those tips are? Here, they are!

5 useful tips to increase the longevity of your home carpet

Train your pet – Planning to get a pet? Great decision, indeed. But make sure you toilet train your furry friend. Otherwise, it can be difficult to get rid of pet odour and stains from your carpet. Although immediate cleaning can prevent the dirt from getting absorbed into the fibre, the stains or smell may continue to linger and impair indoor air quality. So, training your pet is the best way to prevent this problem from occurring in the first place.

No shoe allowed – Have a floor to floor carpet installed in your living room? No shoe policy is a must in your home then. Even though they look clean, shoes can carry abhorrent contaminants that you never want to lurk in your carpet. Moreover, trampling the rug with your shoes or slippers can damage its fibre and appearance over time. Don’t you think leaving your shoes outside is the right way to keep dirt at bay? We know you’d agree too.

Hire expert cleaners – Engaging professional cleaners at least once or twice a year is mandatory if you are to keep your carpet clean and enhance its longevity. Search by typing ‘carpet cleaner near me’ to find the best service provider in your locality. Expert cleaners use professional gadgets to deep clean your carpet and remove all types of dirt and debris. By preserving the freshness of your rug, the professional also restores the hygiene of your home.

Use a stain remover – It is always advisable that you keep a stain remover spray handy that is because you cannot use water to clean all types of carpets. So, you can either prepare a DIY stain remover spray at home or buy a cleaning solution from a reputable seller – the choice is yours. Spraying this solution can prevent stains from getting absorbed into the carpet fibre. Also, using a brush can help you wipe dirt or solid particle off your carpet.

Rearrange furniture – Firstly, you should limit the number of furniture to be placed on the carpet. Even if you position furniture on the rug, make sure you change its position from time to time. If you do not rearrange, the furniture piece might leave indentations and destroy the flawless look of your expensive carpet. The best way to go about it is to arrange the furniture around the carpet and not on the top of it to preserve its original look.

Conclusion – Easy and simple, following these tips can help you enjoy your cosy carpet for the longest time. All you have to do is keep these points in mind and get around to them in whatever little spare time you get. Whether you need a residential or commercial carpet cleaner, contact Luxury Clean for all types of cleaning needs. Request a quote today!

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